whoopsie i didn't make a blog post for several months! my bad my oopsies

Well, it's been a while since i've made one of these. it's a lot of effort for not a lot of turnout with this, unfortunately. Every time I make a blog post, i have to make a new html file, paste my template into it, write the blog, go to the script that manages the blog, and then paste the blog's file name into the script and make sure it works. that's a lot of effort for a blog that barely anyone reads. Though i have been getting bugged about writing a new post for at least a month by LG, so this one goes out to you my G

In other news, i've started writing an object show! it's going to be a traditional competition show, but it's a Road Trip. how exciting! there's only 16 characters because i don't want to be doing this for the rest of my life, but we'll see. I hope to start animating episode 1 sometime next year (yes i'm putting that fairly far out because there is no way i'm going to finish the script within the year if i'm being realistic) so don't get your hopes up too high right now. i'm not even sure how to animate so don't expect anything too high quality, lmao

in the same vein of website work, I've pretty much finished updating the entire website to the 5.0 style! i just have a few stragglers to finish off and then i can find a cooler style and redo everything in that style! /j

though, i'm pretty happy with this style as is, since i've made 99% of it myself. nothing like a little elbow grease and personal flourishes to make you not want to throw away all your hard work, amirite creatives

tl;dr: making blog posts sucks, i'm working very slowly on an object show, and i'm almost done updating the website.

peace, hyphen