We're almost to halfway through the year. Honestly I'm not too happy with that, as i promised myself to actually make things this year.

I still have so many ideas and no ability to realize them. I don't think that's very healthy, but my lifestyle as a whole isn't too healthy right now so it's not too surprising.

My most recent idea fixation has been object shows. If you don't know what those are, it's basically a bunch of household objects playing survivor. It's a neat premise, but i'm not a great hand at animating, unfortunately. Mildly unfortunate, but i'm pretty sure I can learn it if i actually try to apply myself.

What also doesn't help is that I'm not great at drawing. I'm a decent hand a pixel art, but that's pretty much my skill floor. if we talk about my drawing, that skill floor starts to look more like a skill pit. I suppose i shouldn't put myself down too much, but i'm not in the happiest of moods, so you'll have to forgive me if i sound more depressed than usual.

in slightly less depresso news, a friend contacted me today about playtesting one of his new games he's making. I'm a bit wary considering the fact that the other few games he's made were canceled, but this one is actively being developed so I'm decently hopeful that it won't burn out within 2 weeks.

I actually just finished one of my mom's books recently. It was pretty good! I don't want to write anything about it though because i think that's called incriminating yourself and we have protection against that in the US. come back next time and i might have actually made something worth talking about, rather than just adding quotes to a javascript file.

peace, lex