the website making disease spreads

Me and my mom were talking this morning about the dead internet theory, and somewhere along the way it turned to website making. She made a website back in the early 2000s, and apparently it was a decently big deal. After we talked for a while, she eventually started thinking about the website and decided to port it to neocities, which I find really funny, but not for the reason you might think.

Apparently I have the ability to make people make their own websites. LG's website was pretty barebones before we started really talking, and my website gave him website layout envy, apparently. He completely redid the website over the course of a few months and now looks pretty cool! kudos to him i forget about most of my projects after I start them

If you're reading this and don't have your own website, you should totally make one. reject social media and return to web 1.0. it's actually a lot of fun to mess around with the css and html and the like. very cool

anyways i need to get back to not playing videogames and wishing i could play videogames

peace, lex