lemons and rpgs, oh my

hello again. i am not going to blog every single day but i want to write blogs. truly an epic struggle for the ages

I've had a hard time recently getting motivated to do anything. i'm at the point in my life where i'm just waiting for the ability to do anything. It kinda sucks not being able to do anything you want and not wanting to do anything you have the ability to do

luckily, this website made me realize that's stupid

i should just do whatever i can at the moment so i don't fall into a deep depression and become shorter and fatter question mark?

ironically, writing this blog feels more like a personal journal than a blog. luckily there's a 0.0001% chance that anyone will read this so im safe to write about whatever i want B)

Thinking about what to do next, i should probably wrap up the George 1.5 OST. I say "wrap up" like i'm almost done, but no i still need to write a lot of it lmao

after that, i might work on my stupid little rpg maker game. im like 90% sure that it's not going to go anywhere, but thats what everyone says before they hit it big time lmao. i guess we'll just wait and see

peace, lex