
Dec. 12th, 2023 12:35 pm

this is a test please ignore

hello world

Dec. 12th, 2023 01:00 pm

hello everyone! i am now blogger, writer of text

i wish i could just do this within the website itself, but alas i have to do some crazy rss stuff to get even this to work, lmao

i apologize for the barebones look, i assembled this in about 10 minutes haha

bad music

Dec. 12th, 2023 03:37 pm

okay so i was TRYING to listen to a super mario world full ost video but the guy who made it did it REALLY BADLY

like he stuck the hurry up remixes in there which i did NOT ASK FOR i am just TRYING TO LISTEN TO THE MUSIC PLEASE

not to MENTION all the songs will randomly end, with not even any fade out sometimes and its like come on man

i need to find musics to listen to that dont repeat this experience

Running a minecraft smp is hard

Dec. 13th, 2023 02:44 pm

hello this is the story of how i accidentally started a minecraft smp and how it didnt die after a week like it usually does

it all started when i whipped up a little modpack to play with my friends, on a stream i think. we made a little dinky modpack to play and we had a lot of fun! it was pretty laggy, so someone suggested moving it to a server. i, who just so happened to own a server, decided to move the world to the server. this was a lot of work, because i couldnt move large amounts of files and the world size was already like 3 gbs lmao

it was a very tedious process moving each file into the server, but i got it working eventually. after that, the server grew as people kept inviting other people. it was kinda insane watching it grow so fast and not perish after 3 weeks. as we're approaching the end of season 1, i cant help but look back and smile at most of the memories. demon please stop killing me for fun, it does NOT create good memories lmao

its gonna be a crazy next year, tbh. cheers to all and good luck

minor restructurings

Jan. 18th, 2024 12:22 pm

hello it me

you may have noticed that i havent posted since december of last year (when i made the blog) and that was because i forgot entirely about this website(sorry!). i had a lot of other things going on in life and if you've ever had a life you know how easy it is to forget about things

ahem. anyway, onto the aformentioned restructuring

this blog will now be more of a space where i post what's on my mind. im mildly aware that was always the case, but hopefully me saying it out loud will encourage me to actually blog more. typing things onto a blank screen is ironically harder than talking sometimes

anyway i gotta get back to the sims 3, catcha l8r

the "holy" "trilogy" of golden age minecraft mods

Jan. 21st, 2024 12:09 pm

i have been playing a lot of old minecraft mods recently

it's honestly fascinating that a game has angered people so much that they are going back to older versions to remake the game how they think the game should've gone. it takes a special kind of pissing off your fanbase to do stuff like that, actually

i first fell down the rabbit hole of "golden age" minecraft "mods" from a (now removed :/) video by dahomey of Better Than Adventure!. I thought it was pretty neat, and joined the discord server to download and play the mod. i liked it quite a bit, and even made a few mods for it with their modding api(yes, the minecraft mod has mods. have you seen the create mod recently) and i was pretty happy with that, even though i had stopped playing to wait for the 7.1 update to fully release.

and then one day, i got the hankering to play old minecraft again

i didn't want to just play BTA again, though, so i went through the "more like us" channel in the discord, and found Not So Secret Saturday.

NSSS is an odd fork of minecraft. it's very heavily inspired by the secret friday updates that notch used to do before he hit a certain version and stopped doing them, but mod this takes the discovery to a different level.

i'm still finding out crazy things about the mod that i wont share here(go play it yourself, dummy ;))

this leads us to our final mod of the day, ReIndev.

i've always been a bit skeptical of redev, because there's a strange amount of bad blood between BTA and Redev. i have no idea why, other than it's the community's poor attempt at a nintendo vs. sega type rivalry, which is a stupid thing to foster between two mods

i will just say that out of these three mods, i have played reindev the least, so i havent seen everything that the mod has to offer, but all three of these mods have different experiences to share, and they all differ from each other in more ways that you would expect.

in conclusion, play BTA, NSSS, and ReIndev. they're cool mods all made by cool people, and if you think that modern or modded minecraft has gotten too stale, these are a great fit for you

come back next week in which i have played better than wolves and i will be sobbing over the loss of my base for the 50th time after getting diamonds

future hyphen here: i don't play reindev anymore nor do i recommend it. i will not be elaborating why

forge vs. fabric: an argumententive essay

Jan. 29th, 2024 11:41 am

my mom came up to me last night and recounted debating making people write essays for school tomorrow.

everyone wrote them a day early because it was fun, lol

she said she was going to make me do one, but i would be able to choose the topic. i decided to write about forge versus fabric modloaders, because this is a debate i've seen several times and always wanted to look into further

forge has always been interesting, because it was the first(widely used) modloader created for minecraft. i remember downloading tons of mods for 1.7.10 because that was the latest moddable version that everyone worked with. a lot of modpackers and regular players use forge just because of the staggering amount of mods avalible on it and the numbers of choices you have for creating a modpack or even a kitchen sink. it's since been replaced by neoforge because of a strike against the original developer or something, but that's not the topic of this post now is it

fabric is slightly newer, having existed since 2017 or something(which was like 7 years ago. man im old), and getting extremely popular due to it being less heavy on your hardware than forge and because of the origins mod(more on that in another post). a lot of people prefer fabric, but due to it being newer, it doesn't have as many versions nor mods avalible as forge does, but it has quite a few mods that are fabric exclusive, which may drive more players in that direction. it has quilt as it's neoforge "equivilant", but again that's not the topic of this post

in my opinion, i'd rather use the modloader that fits my current situation. just want some clientsided qol mods or a vanilla+ modpack? go for fabric. want a cohesive experience handcrafted to either bring you from a caveman to a spaceman or fuss about #realism, or even just a lot of mods? go forge. people will undoubtedly have opinions on this, but these are just mine because this is my blog, muhuhahaha

creation and consumption: what does it mean to exist

Feb. 1st, 2024 12:07 pm

i once heard somewhere that "boys consume, men create" and for some reason that has always stuck with me

it's especially been on my mind recently as i am both creating and consuming overwhelming amounts of content on the internet. i've been working with a friend to make a video game, but we don't have a proper goal in mind other than "this would be cool". this has lead to me spending an alarming amount of time online, doomscrolling.

last night, before i went to bed, i remarked "i'm not that happy." my little brother, rightly confused, asked "why aren't you happy?" this made me pause, as i had no idea why i was so unhappy. thinking about it, i realized that i had been consuming more than i was creating, and it had been taking a toll on my mental health for a while. but since the internet has the singular goal of keeping you on it for as long as possible, it's almost IMpossible to leave.

oh you want to do things outside? here's a video of people doing hard work that you would never feasibly do. oh you want to change your habits? here's an article about how to do that written by AI that doesn't have any idea what it's typing. oh you want to move out into the woods with no human contact? here's a guy who does the exact same thing so *you don't have to.*

i'm well aware that this is pretty much the "internet bad" argument that millions of people have argued (much better) before me, but seriously. next time you think about getting on your computer and doomscrolling, think about something else to do instead

also sorry about the clickbait-y post name, its just the youtuber trapped in me begging to be let out

thanks for checking in

Mar. 14th, 2024 07:31 pm

oops i forgot i had a blog

welp, i just turned 17 recently. you'd think i'd be excited about being able to legally drive a car or something but i still feel like i'm stuck in 2021 at the ripe age of 14. not fun i can say

i've also had what im calling "minor onset depression" recently. it's not like i want to off myself or anything, but i cant force myself to properly work on anything. it's most likely due to me sitting in front of a screen all day and doing nothing, which is entirely my fault haha

i don't want to make this blog a place to angst and groan because someone else did that (not naming any names) and it was very tonally dissonant from the rest of the website

anyway so i "beat" pikmin 4 recently, expect a post about that in the near to far future

self diagnosis: skill issue

Mar. 27th, 2024 01:44 pm

hey look i remembered my blog! shocker

sorry for the lack of website updates recently, i've been making a lot of music for a friend's dinky little game he's making. i think most of the music is pretty good, but i still need to compose a few tracks and actually refine them further. unfortunately im using the free version of FL studio, which as you may know, doesn't allow you to open saved projects. good stuff

shorter blog post but i need to actually work on the website and make it Not Bad

shoutout to my homie lg for making video games that would've awed me at his same age gotta be one of my favorite friends

hey thanks for reading my stupid blog posts i made. these are all old so please excuse