About Me

Hello! I'm a someone on the World Wide Web who likes being creative when he gets off his butt and actually creates things.

I have a lot of varying interests, from Pokemon, to website development, to sleeping far too much and far too little at the same time somehow. help

I eventually want to create videogames, but currently that dream is a bit too far off right now. You can see my progress on my games page, though!

About the Website

This website is a dinky little project I work on from time to time, whenever I'm in the mood.

It started off as a test to see how hard it was to make a website from (practically) scratch, and it's flourished ever since.

I've hidden quite a few secrets around here, feel free to look around!

There used to be a really crappy "ARG", but it has since been canceled. Huh? Will I ever bring it back? no not right now maybe i think no


About the Other Website

Yeah I've linked to a friend's website, feel free to go snoop around over there

I think there's a few easter eggs, quite literally, here and there, that tie the websites together. I'm unsure how many there are on his side, though. You'd have to ask him

About the Other Other Website

huh?? no There's not Another Website on here